Keep These Tips In Mind When You’re Trying To Start A Podcast

Are you a nobody looking to become a somebody in the exciting world of podcasting? Do you think you have a unique perspective and endless witty banter that the world needs to hear? Well, before you go investing in fancy equipment and booking interviews with famous guests, you should probably know a few things. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you’re trying to start a podcast.

First of all, make sure you actually have something to talk about. You wouldn’t believe the number of podcasts out there that are just three dudes rambling about nothing for an hour every week. Your podcast should have a clear theme or topic, even if that topic is just “random musings on life as a 20-something.” And if that is your topic, just know that there are already 30,000 other podcasts about the same thing, so good luck with that.

Second, avoid picking a topic that’s already been done to death. I mean, do we really need another true crime podcast? Or a podcast about how to start a podcast? Unless you can bring a unique perspective or approach to the topic, it’s probably not worth pursuing. And if all else fails, just pick a random niche like “office supplies” or “dolphin mating rituals” and hope for the best.

Next, don’t skimp on sound quality. You don’t need to go all out and build a recording studio in your basement, but you should at least invest in a decent microphone and some noise-cancelling software. No one wants to listen to a podcast that sounds like it’s being recorded in a wind tunnel by a group of angry bees.

Fourth, make sure you have something to say. You might think your opinion on the latest Taylor Swift album is the most important thing in the world, but does anyone else really care? You need to have something unique and interesting to bring to the table, whether that’s in-depth knowledge of a subject or just a really great sense of humor. And if that doesn’t work, just steal jokes from Twitter.

Fifth, don’t forget about promotion. You might have the best podcast in the world, but if no one knows it exists, what’s the point? Utilize your social media, reach out to other podcasters, and maybe even hire a skywriter to advertise your show. Just remember that there’s a fine line between self-promotion and straight-up annoying people, so tread lightly.

Finally, be consistent. If you promise your listeners a new episode every week, deliver on that promise. Don’t take a six-month hiatus because you got really into cross-stitching, or your listeners will move on to the podcast about office supplies instead. And if you do take a hiatus, at least tell your listeners beforehand so they don’t spend those six months refreshing their podcast app in vain.

In conclusion, starting a podcast might seem like a fun and easy way to become internet famous, but it’s harder than it looks. You need a clear topic, sound quality, interesting content, promotion, and consistency. And if all else fails, just join the 700,000 other podcasts out there and hope for the best. Good luck, and happy podcasting!